4 Reasons Why Your Company Should Consider Transitioning to Ecological Drums

In a world increasingly aware of the need to protect the environment, companies are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact and align with the expectations of consumers and regulators.

In this context, ecological drums are emerging as a key solution for industries requiring sustainable storage and transportation options.

Here are 4 reasons why your company should consider the transition to ecological drums.

1. Reducing environmental impact

One of the most significant benefits of environmentally friendly drums is their contribution to reducing the carbon footprint of companies. Kraft drums, for example, are made from certified paper, which comes from trees planted specifically for this purpose.

This guarantees the sustainability of natural resources and ensures that primary forests are not damaged.

The most important thing for us is that our products have a minimal environmental impact, which is why we focus on reducing their level of pollution as much as possible.

By choosing environmentally friendly drums, your company will be actively contributing to the reduction of waste and pollution, in line with global sustainability goals.

2. Regulatory compliance

Environmental regulations are constantly evolving, with increasingly strict regulations on the use of polluting materials and waste management. Using environmentally friendly drums will help your business comply with current regulations and be prepared for future regulations that require greater environmental responsibility.

Not only does this help your company comply with the law, but it also demonstrates a proactive commitment to long-term sustainability, which, among other things, can prevent penalties.

3. Improving corporate image

The image and reputation of companies play a crucial role. Adopting green solutions can significantly improve the perception of your company among both consumers and your own business partners.

Increasingly, consumers prefer companies that adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

The use of eco-friendly drums sends a clear message: your company is committed to environmental protection and sustainability.

4. Long-term cost savings

Although green drums may have a higher initial cost compared to conventional packaging, they offer economic benefits in the long term. Due to their manufacturing process, these drums generate less waste and require significantly less energy resources.

In addition, the fact that they are recyclable reduces the costs associated with waste management.
Our products are designed not only to be functional, but also to optimise efficiency throughout the supply chain. In the long term, this sustainable approach can lead to significant savings for the company.


The transition to ecological drums offers multiple benefits that go beyond simply adopting a trend. Reducing environmental impact, complying with regulations, improving corporate image, saving costs in the long term and innovating in the market are all compelling reasons for your company to consider this transition.

At Joaquin Alberto SA, we are committed to offering sustainable packaging solutions that not only meet functional needs, but also minimise environmental impact.


What are eco-drums?
Eco-drums are containers designed to be more sustainable, made from recyclable or biodegradable materials that minimise environmental impact.

Are ecological drums as safe as conventional drums?
Yes, ecological drums meet the same safety standards as conventional drums. They are designed to protect their contents without compromising human health or the environment.

What kind of materials are used to manufacture the eco-friendly drums?
Materials such as recycled plastics, bioplastics and other biodegradable components are used to reduce dependence on oil and reduce the environmental footprint.

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