Project ‘10 torns pel col-lapse’.
Descubre el proyecto educativo “10 torns pel col·lapse”, una herramienta innovadora para concienciar a los estudiantes sobre sostenibilidad y gestión energética.
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Waste Drums
Descubre cómo elegir y usar bidones para residuos, incluidos los bidones kraft, para una gestión eficiente y responsable, cumpliendo normativas vigentes.
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A. Pont i CIA: Screen Printed Kraft Drum
Our Screen Printed Drum is specifically designed for the safe transportation and efficient storage of solid and semi-liquid products. This drum guarantees maximum protection of the contents and offers a sustainable and ecological solution. The collaboration with A. Pont I CIA demonstrates how Kraft fibre drums can be adapted to the specific needs of the […]
View more A. Pont i CIA: Screen Printed Kraft Drum